That Gal, She Could Eat
I am a food fanatic. I'm the girl who spends countless hours watching Food Network trying to decipher if I would ever be able to make a gourmet meal with a packet of Top Ramen, two hotdogs and an egg if they were my Chopped basket items (The answer is yes, even though Top Ramen isn't real food.) I am the girl who dances when her food arrives, and I know I am not the only one. Sheer delight rises up within me just knowing that a meal I've prepared is so good that people request seconds.
I'm not Julia Childs and this is not me lying about being a connoisseur of all things gastronomic.
In this section of The Island Queen Guide I wish to explore and discuss all things eating in The Bahamas and other places on the map that I may find myself in. I'm talking fine dining, takeaways, and even dining at home. Stay tuned each week for a new chapter of my culinary story!